
Showing posts from October, 2019

#30 mind bursting facts on human behavior

#1 The average person tells 4 lies a day, 1460 a year and a total of 87,600 by the time they’re 60. #2 Most people imagine things from above and at an angle when they are thinking, dreaming or planning something. #3 People with high levels of testosterone get pleasure from the anger of others. #4 Behavior affects morality. People who lied, betrayed someone or committed other immoral act begin to perceive what is good or bad in another way. #5 Attractive and honest appearance can easily be misleading. People tend to trust appearance more than sincerity. #6 Appearance plays an important role even when voting during elections. Maturity and physical attractiveness of politicians were mostly important for voters’ choice (unconsciously, of course). #7 When people feel they have no control over what is happening, they tend to see non-existent patterns in unrelated pictures and believe in conspiracy theories. #8 People regret quick decisions, even ...

#30 amazing facts about children

#1 Your child understands what you are saying before they begin to speak. #2 At preschool age, your child begins to see themselves as an individual. #3 An average baby will triple his birth weight in his first year. #4 A 2 year old has twice as many neural pathways as an adult proved by research. #5 Your child probably won’t remember anything before the age of 3. #6 Studies have shown that severely deprived children, such as those raised in institutions, may lack the ability to clarify identity any emotions at all. #7 According to a study by Boston Children's Hospital , children with musical training have enhanced executive functioning. #8 Chess makes kids smart. It forces students to slow down, concentrate, use precise thinking, active both inductive and deductive reasoning, as well as recognizing difficult and complex patterns. #9 Gardening improves children’s desire to learn and boosts their confidence. Gardening helped use up...

#30 mind blowing biological facts

#1 Doing things that scare you will make you more happier and a chemical called adrenaline released by the brain is responsible for it. #2 Humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas. It may be shocking but Psychologically it's true. #3 When someone cries tears of joy, the first teardrop would always come from the right eye. (Tears of pain starts from the left and tears of frustration comes from both eye) #4 There are more living organisms in a 1 teaspoonful of soil than there are people alive on Earth. #5 When you shiver in the cold, your body releases the exercise hormone iris in, which encourages your body to turn fat into heat. #6 The relation between your thumb and your nose is - the length of your thumb is equal to the length of your nose. #7 The Interaction Between Genes and Certain Environmental Factors Can Influence How a Child Develops during pregnancy. #8 When you sneeze, your tissues die for a mille second. #9 You ever wondered...

#30 interesting fact on body language

#1 Psychology says, If you are meeting someone for the first time, you only have about 7 seconds to make a powerful first impression. #2 Getting and keeping someone’s attention and attraction is believed to have more to do with body language and tone and speed of your voice rather than things that you actually say. #3 While you are talking with someone, use his/her name frequently. It makes people feel like they have a personal connection with you. #4 If you speak and encourage yourself in-front of mirror, you will be mentally strong. #5 People who make the first move will be more attractive and easily get attracted by others. #6 When you shake someone's hand for the first time, make sure they're warm. Warm hands mean a warm approach. Not mind-blowing but a useful technique. #7 Use mirroring body language when talking to somebody. I've used this in interviews and have had great outcomes. Copying someone else's gestures in a subtle way ...

#30 best facts on attraction

#1 Do you know that, facial symmetry is considered as a sign of beauty and attraction around the world? #2 A study shows that men who feel hungry often, preferred women with higher weights. #3 A study conducted in United Kingdom found that whenever a woman finds a man attractive, she speaks with a higher pitched voice. #4 Evolutionary biologists say that it’s better to be average looking, as average features advertise better reproductive health and more diverse set of genes. #5 Studies show that we are more attracted to people who look similar to us. #6 Woman’s hormone levels are affected by birth control pills. Women who are taking birth control pills are more attracted to men with more masculine features, but these men are often linked to aggressive behavior, higher testosterone levels and even higher divorce rates. #7 Children who are born to their parents in their 30’s tend to find older faces more attractive than children born to their parents in the...

#30 cool facts about animals

#1 When dogs look at their human companions in the eye, it may actually be a look of love, rather than simple begging. #2 Animals do also have friends, but cows have been shown in studies to have ‘best friends’ – even showing signs of distress when they get separated from them. Also Cows have four stomachs. #3 Dolphins are another species that are often focused on for their smarts. A recent finding that exemplifies this is that dolphins actually have names for one another (which form when other dolphins mimic the sounds they make) – and recognize their own title when it is called by other dolphins. #4 Rats like to be tickled. High-pitched chirping is how they laugh, and some rats prefer being tickled to eating. #5 Snakes smell with their tongue. They have ears inside their heads. Some snakes can survive without the meal for up to two years. Snakes kill 10,000 people every year. Snakes don’t have eyelids. #6 Giraffes and humans have the same number o...

#30 crazy facts about getting angry

#1 Controlling Facial Muscles Can Help Control your Anger. Studies have shown that if you don’t frown when you’re angry, you won’t feel the emotion in much intensity. #2 Anger is more than just an emotion, it actually has physiological effects that occur alongside of it. These range from racing heartbeats, sweating, and increase in blood pressure. #3 It’s not as simple as just being either angry or not – it’s a bit more complicated than that. Think of it as if on a scale. There are varying degrees of anger ranging from annoyed to rage. #4 It’s usually some outside factor that you feel leads to you becoming angry. However, there are many factors that can make you more susceptible to feeling that anger. These are things such as hunger, heat, exhaustion, dehydration, or other circumstances of annoyance. #5 One thing that has been shown to consistently combat anger is humor. Not only do most people enjoy humor, but it break the attention and stress caused by feeling ang...

#30 amazing facts on health

#1 Your physical health has a lot to do with your mental health, and how you feel emotionally. If you’re in pain or have a chronic illness, it is natural to feel down in the dumps. #2 Everything you eat and drink can affect your mood. Chocolate, fish, and tea are all known for boosting levels of happiness and health. #3 Emotions aren’t just in your head. Too much anger and stress can actually damage your body and health. High blood pressure is associated with living a stressful life. #4 Crying makes you feel better, reduces stress, and may help to keep the body healthy. #5 30% of pregnant women crave nonfood items, an eating disorder called pica which are dangerous for health. #6 There's a rare mental disorder of health where people imagine that they are decomposing, dead or non-existent. #7 The Truman Syndrome is a psychological disorder in which patients believe they're living in a reality TV show. #8 The brain treats rejection like physica...

#30 amazing facts on happiness

#1 Spending money on your loved ones or friends, yields more happiness and satisfaction than spending it on yourself. #2 Your genetics and family upbringing account for only half of your happiness levels. #3 Only 10% of your happiness comes from external circumstances. Remaining 90% comes with your inner thoughts & feelings according to psychology. #4 Your outlook on life, and what you choose to do with your life accounts for 40 percent of your happiness levels. This includes your friendships, work, and participation in your community. #5 It gets easier as you age. A 2005 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey showed ages 20-24 are sad for 3.4 days per month. Those aged between 65-74 are sad only 2.3 days per month. #6 Minimum 20 minutes of exercise, three days each week will increase your happiness by 10 to 20 percent after six months. #7 The happier you are, the more antibodies your body generates – up to 50 percent more, in fact. ...

#30 Really good facts on friendships

#1 We need allies. Scientists aren't totally sure why we have friends. One theory, though, is that we're unconsciously building a support system in preparation of future conflicts. #2 In a lifetime, you make many friends, but Psychologically only 1 out of 12 friendships lasts forever according to mind capabilities reviewed in survey. #3 Not having any friends can be dangerous to your health. Lonely people listen up! Having zero friends is as bad for your health as smoking or being overweight. #4 Did you know that hanging out in a group of friends can make you look more attractive? This is called the cheerleader effect. You and your friends must just look good together!  #5 When faced with major illness, individuals with a good social network are in a better position to survive. #6 Your brain reacts the same way when you are in danger and when a friend is. #7 It is scientifically proven that the company of good friends reduces stress in life. ...

#30 facts on girls that gonna blow your mind

#1 Humor is associated with intelligence and honesty, this is why most women tend to be attracted to men with a good sense of humor. #2 Women with higher IQ's have a harder time finding a mate. Intelligent women would rather remain single than be with wrong person. #3 Women who prefer to have more male friends than female friends are happier, healthier and tend to live longer. #4 Anxiety is most common in young females usually around 18-24 years of age. #5 Women felt that men became more attractive if they saw other women smiling at them. #6 When man shy or blush they generally look upward or on their right & left. When women shy they look downward. Men itch their chin/jaw/eyebrow/forehead, women adjust the strand of hair behind their ear #7 Men who possess deeper voices are more likely to appear attractive or make an impression on women than men who possess higher voices. #8 Females have twice as many pain receptors on their body than mal...

#30 amazing phobia facts

#1 A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme, irrational fear about a situation, living creature, place, or object. Phobias are diagnosable mental disorders. #2 Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Mussolini and Hitler, all suffered from ailurophobe, the fear of cats. #3 Phobias may be memories passed down through generations in DNA, according to a new research. #4 There are more than 400 distinct phobias well recognized by psychologists. In this section Here are some phobia details. #5 Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders and other arachnids. This phobia is quite common, affecting as many as 1 in Ophidiophobia 3 women and 1 in 4 men. #6 Pedophilia is the sexual arousal from trees. #7 is the fear of snakes. This phobia is quite common and often attributed to evolutionary causes, personal experiences, or cultural influences. #8 "Coulrophobia" is the fear of clowns. The word possibly originates from ...

#30 amazing facts on extroverts

#1 Extroverts are Happier People. Extroverts place their feelings out in the open and have little fear of judgment. They thus tend to be happier people and their many friends are good resources too. #2 The Extrovert boys are very friendly. They are also very talkative and like to make new friends and like the social gathering. #3 Girls are attracted much towards Extrovert types of guys. Extrovert guys are full of confident and adventurers. #4 Extroverts are Enjoys being at the center of attention or leader of the team. #5 Extroverts Feels isolated by too much time spent alone. They preferred and enjoys the group work. #6 At a party, an extrovert will probably be the first one to walk up to new guests and make introductions. It is for this reason that extroverts typically find it easy to meet new people and make new friends. #7 Extroverts are typically very open and willing to share their thoughts and feelings. Because of this, other people genera...

#30 facts on depression

#1 The World Health Organization(WHO) estimates that depression will be the 2nd highest medical cause of disability by the year 2030, 2nd only to HIV/AIDS.Globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression currently. #2 Depression a result of the malfunction of neurotransmitters between neuron's synapses. Serotonin, Dopamine, GABA etc. #3 Your Depression can result into two major changes in the way of sleeping. sleep too much(hypersomnia) or sleeping too little(insomnia). #4 Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression than men. #5 People who are depressed are more prone to illnesses like colds than non-depressed people. #6 Continuous exposure to violence, neglect, abuse, or poverty may make people who are already susceptible to depression all the more vulnerable to the illness. #7 Emotional pain is remembered more than physical pain amd has more effeect on your behavior that causes depression in most of case. ...