
#30 mind blowing facts about social media

#1 Social validation is an important part of being human. A Facebook ‘Like’ or a Twitter ‘Favourite’ is a social signal that makes us feel good. #2 90% of the people will prefer to text things that they could never say to a person accroding to survey. #3 Psychologists examined Internet trolls and found that they are "narcissistic, psychopathic, and sadistic". #4 Most people text faster when its someone they like while using social platform. #5 Addictive Social Media users have face difficulty sleeping after using social media. #6 Researchers are debating on adding Internet addiction to the list of mental disorders. #7 Social media makes us restless and more lazy. #8 Despite your personal feelings about the app, it's hard to argue with the cultural impact it's had on millennials and online dating. #9 Too much Social Media increase depression and enable us to feel like other people’s lives are so much better than ours. #10 Social media can lead to fear of miss...

#30 some of the best sixth sense facts

#1 The commonly held definition of a “sense” is “any system that consists of a group of sensory cell types that respond to a specific physical phenomenon and that corresponds to a particular group of regions within the brain where the signals are received and interpreted.” #2 The traditional “5 senses” model (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) is credited to Aristotle. #3 Touch sensations can be sorted into sub-categories, such as sharp pain, aching pain, and tactile stimulations such as pressure and vibration. #4 PubMed Health states Taste and Smell these senses are connected to the involuntary nerve system, so they can trigger bodily reactions from vomiting to salivation. #5 Smell Sense trigger Memories.Smell happens in humans when the brain receives signals after molecules in the air bind to sites on olfactory receptors. #6 Our five senses are our connection to the outside world. They send messages to our brain, which interprets the messages and perceives what is around ...

#30 best life hacks to make your day

#1 Smiling boosts our immune system and can help us live 7 years longer than average.Happy people smile 40-50 times a day, the average of us only does so 20 times.So keep Smiling:)(P.S. Like You are smiling now & enjoying by reading facts here #2 Talk with yourself once in a day.Otherwise you may miss meeting an excellent person in the world. #3 A Hug Can Lift Your Mood.Dopamine is released, when you hug or shake hands with someone. This makes you feel good and happy.So Give hug to your loved ones or take hug from them. #4 Looking at cute animal pictures at work can make you more productive, a study claims. #5 Eating your food slowly will help you lose weight, enjoy your food, reduce stress, and lead to better digestion. #6 Walking at new or open places helps your brain to think new ideas rapidly and increase creativity. #7 Eating healthy is the trick to being happy.Healthy diet can actually uplift your spirits and improve your mood. People who eat fruits and vegetables live...

#30 amazing facts about sleep

#1 Within 5 minutes of waking up, 50% of your dream is forgotten. #2 A short Sleep or napping for just 6 minutes can help improve your memory. #3 You find relief in sleeping. When you're sleeping,you're not sad,angry or lonely,you feel nothing. #4 The strangers in your dreams during deep sleep are actually people that you're seen in your life. #5 The very last person on your mind before sleep is the reason for your happiness or your pain. #6 The sense of falling when you sleep during night is due to the fact that early man used to sleep on trees this effect gives him the alert of not falling while sleeping. #7 Sleep makes you more creative and makes your memories stronger. #8 The happier you are,the less amount of time of sleep you required to function in everyday life.Sadness increases your urge to sleep more. #9 Humans spend 1/3 of their life sleeping. #10 The record for the longest period without sleep is 11 days. #11 Sleep is just as important as diet and exe...

#30 amazing facts about teenagers

#1 Teenager who do not positive peer relations with family or friends are at a higher risk of developing substance abuse and depression. #2 The top wish among all teen girls & boys are for their parents to communicate better with them. This includes frequent and more open conversations. #3 Teens can become easily obssesed with any things,person,celebrities,TV series than any other age group because of their teen brains puberty development. #4 Teenagers are ore likely to take more risks than any other age group. #5 Teenagers even who have to get up early in the morning stay awake till late nights and often face a lack of sleep or the willingness to sleep. #6 Teens mind doesn't build to do hardwork,they want success easily and rapidly for that they can do anything. #7 Over 70% of Teenagers age 15 to 17 avoid normal daily activities, such as attending school, when they feel bad about their looks. #8 Teenagers are not that good at reading emotions as adults or even children...

#30 amazing facts on writing

#1 Our memories can be so easily manipulated that in just 3 hours you can be convinced you committed a crime in your teenage years, a research found. #2 According to the graphic,the size of someone's handwriting can determine the type of personality they have. #3 People with small handwriting tend to be shy, studious and meticulous, whereas outgoing people who love attention will have larger handwriting. #4 If handwriting is an average size - in that the top of the letters sit just below the centre of line - the writer is well-adjusted and adaptable. #5 People who leave large spaces between their words enjoy freedom and independence, while those who squeeze their words together tend to like the company of others. #6 If your words are totally jammed together, a writing analysis will suggest that you might be intrusive or have the tendency to crowd people. #7 While a very heavy pen pressure during writing can suggest tension and anger, a moderately heavy pressure is a sign of ...

#30 amazing facts on personality

#1 Apparently, it will only take up to 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not.  As such, if you want to make a good impression on someone, you have only got around 4 minutes to do so. #2 Attractive and honest appearance can easily be misleading. People tend to trust appearance more than sincerity. #3 People who swear a lot tend to be more loyal, upfront and honest with friends. #4 Your personality can have an effect on your quality of life. Optimist personalities tend to have a higher quality of life while pessimists have a lower quality of life. #5 Individuals who have a lower self-esteem will often humiliate others. Humiliating others is one way they try to boost their own self-esteem and build their own confidence. #6 Your shoes are much important than you think. People draw many conclusions about a person based on what shoes they’re wearing. #7 Men and women who listen to similar music tend to be better communicators and have longer lasting relationships. #...

#30 facts on OCD

#1 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental anxiety disorder which produces repeated thoughts or images about many different things, such as fear of germs, dirt, or intruders; acts of violence; hurting loved ones; sexual acts; or being overly tidy. #2 Daniel Radcliffe, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Megan Fox and Justin Timberlake are all celebrities who have lived with OCD. #3 On average, people are diagnosed with OCD when they are 19-years-old. #4 In the U.S. 1 in 40 adults and 1 in 100 children face OCD. #5 According to the World Health Organization, anxiety disorders, like OCD, are more prevalent in developed countries than in developing countries. #6 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and medication are two ways of treating OCD. #7 OCD symptoms are divided between obsessions: recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or impulses, and compulsions: repetitive behaviors or mental acts that the individual feels driven to perform in response to an obsession. #8 OCD will make...

#30 amazing facts about music

#1 Song lyrics have a stronger impact on the human mind when an individual experiencing sadness. #2 Background music can help extroverts focus, but tend to torment introverts. #3 The type of music we listen, affects the way we perceive the world. #4 Music is a social activity, making it together can help bring us together. #5 Music can help deal with the anxiety and stress associated with having treatment for coronary heart diseases. #6 High tempo music in fast food restaurants encourage faster knife and fork activity, leading to quicker table turnover. #7 70% People who enjoy old songs because of the memories they've attch to them accroding to study. #8 People high in openness to experience were more likely to play a music instrument and more likely to rate music as important to them. #9 Music therapy has been used effectively in both adults and children with psychiatric disorder. #10 Music repairs brain damage and returns lost memories. #11 The type of music we prefer ...

#30 kick-ass facts about brain

#1 There are three types of long term memories:episodic(life experiences),semantic(information or knowledge) and procedural(how to do things and learned body responses). #2 The human brain is composed of approximately 75 percent water, as well as fat and protein. #3 Learning new things changes your brain and increase your intelligence—even if you're older. #4 Long term memory is controlled by the Vernicke speech area. #5 Music changes the way we think in our mind and our preception of the world. #6 The more we hear something, the more we believe it is true – it is called illusion of truth effect caused by our brain. #7 The brain treats rejection like physical pain. This probably explains the reason behind approach anxiety now! #8 Cells in your body react to everything your mind has to say. So negativity can bring down your immune system and make you fall sick more often. Stay positive, folks! #9 Your mind write monotonous speeches of boring people to make it sound intersti...