Some amazing random facts 2

#1  There is a stereotype that women get jealous easily, and ex-girlfriends are often labeled as “crazy”. However, a study proved that men and women get jealous equally.
#2.  3 out of 4 teenage girls feel depressed after looking at a fashion magazine for only 3 minutes, according to a study.
#3.  Females speak from more of an emotional perspective.This is partially due to brain chemistry but also social learning.  There is a stereotypical idea of females within the general public that has made it easier for women to openly cry, sympathize, laugh etc. without feeling judged or vulnerable like their male counterpart might feel in a similar situation.
#4.  Animals can form lifelong friendships with individuals that are not from their own species.Many studies have shown that chimpanzees, baboons,cows,horses, elephants and dolphins make friends, not necessarily from their own species,forever. In fact, whales literally have BFFs!
#5.  Friendship is even stronger when you know what irritates your friend,Dr. Charity Friesen called this the ‘if-then’ profile. She believes that knowing a friend's reactions when faced with different situations is as important as knowing their tastes.
#6.  Your emotions are influenced by the people or friends around you. If everyone around you is sad, you will feel sadness, too. If everyone is happy and excited, that is infectious, and makes others happy as well. This is why it is important to escape toxic environments, especially if people in your surroundings are aggressive and violent.
#7  The key to a quick boost of happiness may lie in your diet. Foods like nuts, chicken and milk all contain higher levels of tryptophan, which can lead to the production of serotonin, a chemical that helps induce calm and happiness.
#8  New Zealand   crowned the globe's happiest country according to the United Nation's World Happiness Report 2018.Canada is second and Netherland comes third in list.
#9.  Positive emotions can make you more resilient and more happier.
#10.  Writers are 121% more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder than those working in uncreative fields.
#11.  Studies show that trauma victims who don't search for a reason for their misfortune turn out to be the most well-adjusted years later.
#12   Get a good night’s rest: Our brain needs approximately 8 hours to rest and consolidate learning of new information to avoid mental health.
#13.  "Wrap rage" is the anger and frustration felt when you are unable to open packages.
#14.  Shyness is an evolutionary adaptation: whereas the braver animals may find more mates and eat more food, the shyer individuals, hiding on the sidelines, might avoid attack.
#15.  People generally change for two reasons: Either they’ve learnt enough that they want to or they’ve been hurt enough that they have to.
#16.  Your emotions can also affect your physical body. Jealousy has been known to cause stomach aches, and stress can cause headaches.
#17.  The most difficult emotions to fake are sadness and anger.
#18.  Drinking alcohol takes away the ability to put your emotions in check. Acting out on your emotions while drunk can lead to other emotions such as guilt and shame.
#19  You should never drink tea or coffee with meals Tannins in tea and coffee prevent absorption of certain nutrients. A cup of tea with a meal will halve the iron you get from it, whereas a glass of orange juice will double it.
#20.  Eating healthy simply means that You are giving your body all the required nutrients on a day to day basis.In theory, it should not matter if you are in caloric deficit or surplus as long as the either state does not occur in a chronic time period, then you start jeopradising your health.
#21  If you exercise regularly on top of eating healthy foods, you half all illnesses and diseases compared to those who don't.
#22  Those who are introverted do not necessarily want to be alone all the time. However, they do tend to be more comfortable with their own thoughts than others.
#23  Introverts generally prefer to be valued for what they can bring to the table as an individual rather than how well they fit in with a group. Because they prefer to think for themselves, they seldom are left to follow what is thought of as popular.
#24.  Introverts cannot be expected to “become” extroverts. They simply have a different temperament and manner of handling things. Sometimes the best solutions come from having a combination of the two personality types.
#25.  Ignore the jealous and hateful comments. Although it’s hard to do, ignoring mean comments from jealous people tells them you are not going to validate their feelings.
#26   Address haters in your daily life head on. When ignoring someone is not an option, approaching the situation directly may help release the jealous tension. Have a conversation to confront them about their behavior.
#27.  Reduce your negative interactions with the person. If you can change your environment or social dynamics it will reduce the jealous person’s ability to influence you.
#28  Women and men differ in laughter. When women are talking, men and women audiences laugh less than when men are talking.When women are speaking to an audience of one or more men, women laughed more than twice as much as the men. Scientists have shown that these gender differences emerge in kids as young as 6 years old.
#29.  Humans can detect smiles from more than 300 feet away, which developed out of a need to be able to distinguish friend from foe.
#30  Smiling makes you look prettier.Studies have proven that 70% of people find smiling faces to be better-looking than faces with makeup.So keep Smilling always:)


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