#30 facts on left handed people

#1 Left Handed people make up roughly 12% of the population.
#2 According to research Left handed likely to have allergies than most of people.
#3 Left Handeds are more prone to migraines.
#4 Left handed are more likely to be insomniacs.
#5 Left Handed people uses the right side of the brain the most comparing to right handed people.Famous left-handed intellectuals include Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Benjamin Franklin.
#6 According to rechers lefties are 3 times more likely to become alcoholics – the right side of the brain has a lower tolerance to alcohol!
#7 Lefties are More likely to be on extreme poles of the intelligence
#8 Left handed people are tend to reach puberty 4 to 5 months later than right
#9 Most Lefties are more likely to suffer stuttering and dyslexia.
#10 Lefties have a Twice as likely to be a man.
#11 Left handed people are better at 3D perception and thinking.
#12 Lefties are better at multi-tasking than right
#13 Lefties make especially good baseball players, tennis players, swimmers, boxers and fencers (almost 40% of the top tennis players are lefties)
#14 August 13th is “Left-Hander’s Day” Launched in 1996, this yearly event celebrates left-handedness and raises awareness of the difficulties and frustrations left-handers experience every day in a world designed for
#15 Lefies are good at Drawing figures facing to the right.
#16 Left handed can recover from strokes faster.
#17 Lefties are more likely to pursue creative careers.
#18 Among the eight most recent U.S Presidents, 4 have been left handed Left handed college graduates go on to become 26% richer than right handed graduates
#19 According to tradition myth, an itchy left hand indicates you will lose money. An itchy right hand indicates you will receive money.
#20 On a QWERTY keyboard there are 1447 English words typed solely with the left hand, whilst only 187 are typed with the right hand.
#21 Lefties are more adjust to seeing underwater quicker.
#22 Left handed people are less able to roll their tongue than a righty(That is bizarre but true)
#23 Lefties nails grow faster on the left hand than the right.
#24 One evolutionary account for why left-handedness has survived is that it confers a fighting advantage - the so-called "fighting hypothesis".There are many studies in the literature that explore the left-hander's advantage in sports like boxing and fencing.
#25 Left-Handed People Are More Likely to Get Angry.
#26 Divergent thinking is one area left-handed people excel in when compared to right-handed people.
#27 Left-handedness is twice as common in twins than in the general population.
#28 The right hand is mentioned positively 100 times in the Bible, while the left hand is mentioned only 25 times, all negatively.It's a myth about taking lefties as a negitive person,which is changed now.
#29 In many Islamic countries, people are forbidden to eat with their left hand, which is considered “unclean” because it is used for cleaning the body after defecation.
#30 Left-handedness has also been called mancinism, sinistromanuality, and cackhandedness. Other colloquialisms for left-handedness include skivvy-handed, scrummy-handed, kaggy-fisted, cawk-fisted, gibble-fisted, southpaw, cunny-and ballock-handed


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